Harvest to Hydrosol, 2nd edition. By Ann Harman.
In the summer of 2023, Wythe and Berry founder Elisabeth Vlasic visited Washington state where she participated in a week-long retreat led by hydrosol distillation queen, Ann Harman. Further, Ann unexpectedly announced at this retreat that it was her last cohort of in-person students she would teach. As of now, Ann is retired. Ann's experience and knowledge have been invaluable to Elisabeth, and she is grateful to count Ann as another superstar teacher she learned from, which she is now passing on to those who travel to upstate New York to learn distillation processes from her.
Anyone interested in distillation, whether they are just starting out or are experts who know everything, will find this book to be a wealth of information. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the distillation process, as well as detailed instructions for successful distillations. This 2nd edition of Harvest to Hydrosol is filled with research and personal insight. It takes the reader on a practical and mystical journey of a plant's transformation into a hydrosol. Over 150 photos accompany over 65 pages of updated information, including copper cleaning protocols, molecular analyses, tables, recipes and research. Organoleptics, taxonomy, suggested harvesting times, and responsible distilling practices are also discussed.
Ann Harman shares her years of distilling, farming, and botany experience to teach you how to expertly distill your own hydrosols. Ann's distilling perspective is not to be overlooked and this book is highly recommended.